Emergency Dental Care

Emergency Dental Care

If you experience a dental emergency and need immediate attention, don’t hesitate to call our office at (210) 653-3452. If it is after office hours, you will be advised to call Dr. Raimondo directly on his cell phone. If you are a patient of record or if you are being referred to us by a patient of record, we will take care of you or just answer your questions—even after hours. 

In the event that our San Antonio dental office is closed for an extended time, we will make arrangements for dental emergency coverage by another competent dentist. Just call the office for directions.

We’re here for you!

Dr. Raimondo and our team work hard to make our patients feel like we’re more than just a dental office—we’re your dental home. We want you to feel safe and comfortable when you come to our office, even in emergency situations.

To make sure your emergency is seen promptly, we save time in our daily schedule for true emergencies (broken off teeth, patients with swelling, dental trauma, etc.,); these will be given priority over patients with appointments. We can usually work other more minor dental emergencies into our schedule between already-appointed patients.

Emergency dental care in San Antonio, TX

The most common types of emergency treatment provided by Dr. Raimondo include:

  • Pain relief
  • Treatment of dental infections
  • Extractions
  • Root canals
  • Cosmetic restoration of broken teeth
  • Diagnosis of emergency dental problems

Do you know what to do in a dental emergency?

Bitten lip or tongue: Stop the bleeding with pressure, rinse the area of any debris, and apply an ice pack to minimize swelling. If pain and swelling persist, contact our office.

Object caught in teeth: Try removing the object with dental floss or a toothpick, being careful not to lodge the item in further. If you cannot remove it, contact our office.

Broken, chipped, or fractured tooth: If possible, save the broken piece; many times it can be bonded back in place. If the tooth is chipped and sharp, try placing some orthodontic (braces) wax over the tooth until you can get to the office.

Knocked-out tooth: Find the tooth and put the tooth in some milk. Do not scrub it or clean it in any way. Rinse any debris from the socket area, and try to stop any bleeding by applying pressure with a piece of gauze. Call the office immediately for further advice.


  • Mild: If you are not allergic to and can take ibuprophen (Motrin), you can take 800 mg every four to six hours. Call the office for an appointment.
  • Severe: Call the office for further advice. If you are a patient of record, Dr. Raimondo may be able to call in a prescription for you or see you after-hours if necessary.

Broken jaw: Call 911 for transportation or go to the emergency room immediately.